Ride your bike – Outside – Everyday in April – 30 minutes minimum – No matter what.
You’re probably too busy for April Challenge.
You have a job, maybe a side hustle or two. Wife, kids. Chores. Responsibilities. Catching up on that show everyone’s talking about.
How could you possibly ride your bike outside everyday for a minimum of thirty minutes?
After all, you’re too busy.
As it turns out, though, maybe you’re not. Maybe, with a little discipline (and some help from the family) you can find some time, every day, to ride your bike.
Maybe you’re not too busy.
That’s what I like about April Challenge. As it turns out, that busy schedule has some holes in it, or at least, some times that could be turned into bike riding time.
This year, I did hill repeats of our neighborhood while my kids played outside. (Just under half mile up and down with 51 feet of elevation gain…twenty times.) I finished a conference call wearing bike shorts, ran out and grabbed a ride, then came home and jumped on another conference call. I rode with my older son to my younger son’s baseball game, then did loops around the park between innings so I wouldn’t miss an at-bat. I rode in the rain and after dark and before sunrise.
It was awesome.
That’s why I really look forward to April Challenge. It can be stressful, for sure- I have a lot on my plate to begin with, and having “when am I going to get out and ride today?” at the back of your mind is just one more thing to worry about. But there wasn’t a single time I came back from a ride without a smile on my face, no matter how stressed I was before I left. April Challenge reminds you that riding your bike is awesome, and we make time for what’s important. Mindlessly scrolling through your phone or sitting on your duff waiting for the next appointment- those things aren’t important. We can turn wasted time into fun time, if we want to, with just a little bit of planning, a touch of discipline, and an understanding wife. Not every ride was some epic adventure. Heck, some were thirty minutes and zero seconds just past my backyard, but every ride was pedal powered and fun.
You’re not too busy, I promise. Go ride your bike!
-Uncle TJ
TJ Mayotte resides in Elkridge, MD with his wife Jill and two boys Owen (10) & Henry (7). His backyard (literally) is home to some of the best mountain biking in the Mid-Atlantic area, Patapsco Valley State Park.