5 Hacks for Weekend Travel

For anyone that knows our family, (and even those that have been reading this blog from the beginning), they know we don’t stay put. Ever. In the summers we spend our weekends at our family’s lake house in New Hampshire, and hell if we weren’t going to continue doing that after adding Milo to our family. We bought a bigger rig (Chevy Traverse… killer storage space, people!), rearranged our schedules a little bit, and stored Read more…

The Granite Family Five is Complete

He has arrived. Milo Robert Mayotte joined the world and we have officially become a family of five. Update: this actually happened three months ago but in true New Mom Shear Exhaustion form, this blog sat here waiting to be edited and published while I learned how to manage our new level of chaos. So bear with me as I walk through some of our trials and tribulations over the last three months. For just Read more…

Origins of a Challenge. Birth of a Team.

I write this as my newborn son Milo and wife nap on the maternity wing of the Elliott Hospital. The rare moment of quiet allows me to reflect on the fact that our new son had the foresight and graciousness to arrive 9 days late on May 2nd to allow his dad to finish the legendary Team Granite MTB April Challenge. That ninth day allowed the cherry on top: the kick-off Wednesduro at Highland Mountain Read more…

Guest Blog – The April Challenge!

Ride your bike – Outside – Everyday in April – 30 minutes minimum – No matter what. You’re probably too busy for April Challenge. You have a job, maybe a side hustle or two. Wife, kids. Chores. Responsibilities. Catching up on that show everyone’s talking about. How could you possibly ride your bike outside everyday for a minimum of thirty minutes? After all, you’re too busy. As it turns out, though, maybe you’re not. Maybe, Read more…

Keeping an active lifestyle during (and deep into) pregnancy

You see the two lines, you get the confirmation from your OB/GYN about your blood-work, and {insert your favorite activity} season is right around the corner. I am sure a lot of pregnant women would be disappointed at the thought of putting a halt to anything that could *potentially* cause harm to their developing fetus. Hell, I was nervous at the thought of even SAYING the word “skiing” while in the doctor’s office. But nevertheless, Read more…

10 Hacks for Taking a Toddler Skiing

1- Make the gear a toy The best way to avoid a meltdown on the hill about uncomfortable ski boots or the awkwardness of shuffling in skis, is to introduce the gear early and indoors. Show the child the skis and boots. Let them wear the boots around the house and get used to walking in them. Have them click into the skis, feel the weight when they try to lift their feet, and discover Read more…

I took our two year old on a ski trip across the country. Here’s how.

Okay, so I had help. I flew with my sister, her three year old daughter, Audrey, and my mom (the girls’ Mimi). I guess that is a major theme of our family. We have a village of support! Many of our adventures would not be possible (or would be more difficult) without this help, and even more specifically for this period in my life where heavy lifting is a challenge. This trip, logistically, was not Read more…

Review: MacRide Seat

There are a number of options on the market to enable you to bring your kids with you on a bike ride. Most of these options are a more passive experience for the child, be it a trailer or a rear mounted seat. The MacRide seat turns this idea on its head and creates a new experience for both you and your miniature bike passenger. As an avid mountain biker, I saw the MacRide pop-up in Read more…

Our secret sauce to a happy marriage…

…when up to our eyeballs in diapers, whining, bedtime delay tactics, and yucky snots. While we will never claim to be the experts on a happy marriage with just over five years under our belt, we do know what works for us, and we also hear a lot about what DOESN’T work for our friends, family, and acquaintances. Most people you get advice from will say one of two things: 1) “Happy wife, happy life,” Read more…

Waterskiing at 2 years old!? How??

Both Karen and I have been playing in and on water for our entire lives. We each grew up swimming, boating and waterskiing with our respective families at young ages. It’s a passion and lifestyle our parents and grandparents bestowed upon us and we are fortunate to now share that same passion with our children. Water Comfort From extremely young ages I was determined to make sure the girls were comfortable in water. Karen has Read more…